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From Engineer to Plumber: How Canada InfoNet Helped an Internationally Educated Engineer Transition to a Successful Trade Career in Canada

In today’s global job market, transitioning careers can be a daunting task, especially when moving to a new country. This blog tells the inspiring story of a professional engineer with over 10 years of construction experience making a career shift to plumbing in Canada with the help of JVS Toronto’s Canada InfoNet Program.

The Challenges

Ramin is  a seasoned construction engineer from Iran and faced significant barriers when planning his move to Canada. Despite his extensive experience, he struggled with English language proficiency and the regulated nature of the construction engineering field in Canada. These obstacles raised concerns about his ability to secure a job in his profession in Canada.

Upon joining the Canada InfoNet pre-arrival program, a comprehensive needs assessment was conducted by the program’s Employment Specialist. He also explored various options to help the client secure employment soon after landing in Canada.

Here’s a breakdown of the initial steps taken:

  1. Improving English Proficiency:
    Ramin considered enrolling in an English language program to improve his skills while awaiting his arrival in Canada.
  2. Exploring Alternative Careers:
    Based on Ramin’s interests and skill sets, other relevant careers were explored, particularly in the trades area. The client had hands-on experience with electrical work and plumbing, with a preference for pursuing a career in plumbing.

The client shared his motivations to become a Plumber in Canada “ I want to work as a plumber in Canada because it is a high-demand trade with good job security and growth opportunities. Additionally, the Canadian standards for trades are highly regarded, and I’m eager to further develop my skills as I have done this job for numerous years, and build a stable career in a new environment.”

Support and Guidance from Canada InfoNet

Ramin received detailed information about skilled trades jobs in Canada, particularly in plumbing:

  1. Skilled Trades Program Connection:
    Ramin received detailed information on how to secure a trade license and important documents to bring from his country of origin.
  2. Mentorship/ Networking:
    He was paired with a mentor in the plumbing field, who provided firsthand information about the plumbing profession and job opportunities in Canada.

From the session the Ramin shared that “The networking session with a licensed plumber was very beneficial. Hearing from someone already working in the field gave me practical insights into daily operations and industry challenges. It also helped me understand the importance of networking within the trade community in Canada and provided useful connections.”

Preparing for Success

To ensure the client was well-prepared for his new career, program Employment Specialist shared vital information on starting a business and the steps needed to become a licensed plumber:

  1. Licensing Requirements:
    Information was shared about the number of hours required to qualify for the plumbing exam and was encouraged to practice mock exams to prepare for the real test.
  2. Business Insights:
    Necessary information about starting a plumbing business in Canada was shared, enabling Ramin to plan for future entrepreneurial endeavours.

Ramin shared his feedback regarding the sessions as “ The one-on-one employment counselling sessions were incredibly informative. They gave me a clear understanding of the current market demands, the working conditions, and the expectations for plumbers in Canada. Your detailed insights and guidance helped me feel more confident about transitioning my career to Canada.”

They gave me a clear understanding of the current market demands, the working conditions, and the expectations for plumbers in Canada.


Ramin’s journey to choosing his trade as a plumber is a testament to his determination and the comprehensive support provided by Canada InfoNet.  He is equipped with the knowledge and resources to eventually earn his license as a Plumber and potentially start his own plumbing company.

This successful transition highlights the importance of tailored support programs and the positive impact they can have on skilled immigrants seeking new career paths in Canada. With more job opportunities and better earnings in the trades, Ramin is set for a promising future in his new home.